
How to start your trade?

New Product 【New UI】( June 2023 updated)

Click "New UI" on the menu bar.

Click “Connect Wallet” from the upper right tab. Metamask is supported.

To deposit, it's the same as before. please look down below in this page above.

On our new product, you can just choose a strategy, target and the amount.

Let's see how it works! for example...

This is chosen Short Strangle, Bearish and amount 20.

then you can get $4.02 per day as a fee!

and you can see the quantity of ETH and √ETH Future contracts that will actually be acquired from mow on to move to the position selected above at the Structure.

Bearish means you think the price goes down from the current price. look up on the chart, the green line is the current price and the purple line is the your predicted target price. and you can see the balanced fee in the purple curve line.

These target strategies are ±2.5% from the current price (Neutral).

then, when you click "Trade", you can see your position like this.

now the fee shows 0, it'll be shown from next day.

and when you want to close all the positions, just click "Close Positions".

When you close your positions, the isolated margin will be back to the portfolio margin Vault automatically.

【Connect, Deposit and Withdraw】

Go to this Link. —-> https://app.predy.finance/

Click “Connect Wallet” from the upper right tab. Metamask is supported.

After connected, click “Deposit” from the upper right tab, then you can see this window.

It shows the amount of USDC in your wallet and the amount of USDC already deposited in the Vault. Put the number of the amount you want to deposit and click “Approve” → “Deposit”.

When you withdraw USDC from the deposit, click “Withdraw” from the upper right tab.


“Futures” on the menu bar, this is the perpetual future trading which is an index from the prices of ETH and √ETH.

  • It has a Portfolio margin

  • The fee for holding the positions of the perpetual futures is calculated from the total cost of ETH and √ETH.

  • The platform is especially designed for Gamma trading, the capital efficiency will be well optimized when you take delta neutral Gamma positions.

Well, let’s trade! (the margin is deposited as 1500 USDC)

First, set the bar 100 on Buy Spuart (√ETH). Then you can see that you get $0.74 daily fee for 357.44 Margin utilizing,and hold the positions as Gamma = -0.000363, Delta = 1.22.

And now, set the bar 1.22 on Sell ETH. Then, you can see that you get $0.83 daily fee for 19.05 Margin utilizing, and hold the positions as Gamma -0.000363, Delta = 0. As you can see, our protocol is designed for delta neutral Gamma trading!

【Adding Positions】

This picture shows that you added 164.1 on Buy √ETH and 2 on Sell ETH to the position which is 700 on Buy √ETH and 8.54 on Sell ETH. “Get +$7.26” in the left column means the total Fee from holding all the positions with added one. This total Fee will be realized after updating all positions per every trade and shown on the Trade history.

【Gamma Trade】

Let’s see the differences between Futures and Gamma trading.

  • Margin can be isolated, as how much you want to split for each.

  • You can hold several Vaults of Isolated margin.

  • When you start to trade, it’s Delta neutral, so you just can liquidate or close the positions.

Click “Gamma Trade” on the upper menu bar. Then, you can see this. Put the amount of Margin on the left, then put the amount of Squart for Buy or Sell.

We just put 100 USDC for then Margin and put 200 on Buy Squart.

You can see that you can expect to get $1.29 per day as a Fee for the 100 USDC margin.

and the position will be started as Delta neutral because there is 2.36 on Sell ETH as you can see on the Structure. If you hold this position as Futures, the minimum Margin is Margin utilizing 37.7.

Loss Threshold means the maximum loss (assumed) by moving the price of ETH. You can see well the price of ETH for the Loss cut on the right chart. Just be careful this is only for the case without considering Fee income. The Minimum margin will be changed depending on the price of ETH.

Let’s put 300 on Buy Squart. The price for the Loss cut is getting close to the current price. It means that the risk is higher to get closed by Loss cut, on the other hand, since the change in the price of ETH is small, the Loss cut can be done when the depreciation in the value of the position is less than the case for 200 on Buy ETH.

After holding the positions, you can check your positions and Trade history. When you close your positions, the isolated margin will be back to the portfolio margin Vault automatically.

Last updated