Lite Mode
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Lite mode allows you to trade the ETH or (ETH)² products, or a number of other products that are a combination of these. This mode has the Trade and Position pages, which are described below.
The trade page is used to make any trades to update your pVault, this includes:
Opening a new position
Reducing or closing a position
Adding or removing collateral
Currently selected product to trade.
Other products available to trade, click these to select.
Currently selected product with current price.
Open and close buttons for the Trade PnL / pVault Value chart.
Trade amount entry, use a positive number for a long trade or a negative number for a short trade.
Position details:
Entry Price: The price of the product(s) that the trade will be entered.
Estimated Funding Rate: The funding rate per 24 hours as a percentage of the position size, see Perpetual Contracts for more details. Note that the funding rate can change and will be updated for all positions in the protocol any time a trade is made on Predy.
Delta, Gamma: The delta and gamma for the new position, see The Greeks for more details.
The amount of USDC collateral currently in the pVault.
Collateral amount entry, use a positive number for a long trade or a negative number for a short trade.
Collateral details:
Min Collateral: The minimum amount of collateral required in the pVault to open this position. Note that opening a position with an amount of collateral close to the minimum collateral puts the pVault at a high risk of immediate liquidation.
Liquidation price: The price of the product at which the pVault will be liquidated.
Trade confirmation:
Total Amount: The total amount of USDC to be deposited for this position.
Approve USDC: Click this button to approve the protocol to spend the USDC. Note that this is not required for collateral withdrawals.
Trade Now: Click this button (after approval if required) to create the trade transaction. Note that this will change to Withdraw Now if the only action is withdrawing collateral.
The Positions page shows the pVault and position performance and allows the user to close positions and adjust collateral.
This chart shows the profit and loss of a particular position, or the value of the pVault, depending on what is selected on the right of the screen.
Select this to show the details of all positions at once, and the pVault value over time.
The highlighted button shows the currently selected position. Selecting a position will change the P/L chart shown, and allow you to close that position.
Position details:
Close Position: Select this to close the position.
Delta Neutral: (Only shown on combination positions) Adjusts the position to delta neutral. See Delta Neutral for more
Amount: The amount of each product that will be bought/sold to close the position.
Entry Price: The price of the product(s) that the trade will be entered.
Estimated Funding Rate: The funding rate per 24 hours as a percentage of the position size, see Perpetual Contracts for more details. Note that the funding rate can change and will be updated for all positions any time a trade is made on Predy.
Delta, Gamma: The delta and gamma change resulting from the trade, see The Greeks for more details.
The amount of USDC collateral currently in the pVault.
Collateral amount entry, use a positive number to add collateral or a negative number to remove collateral.
Collateral details:
Min Collateral: The change in the minimum amount of collateral required in the pVault to open this position.
Liquidation price: The spot price(s) that will result in liquidation of the pVault.
Warning: The liquidation price displayed uses the index price of the asset, however the actual liquidation price can be different by a large amount at very high leverage because the liquidation conditions consider the trading price (including spread). Users must be very careful to manage the portfolio margin at high leverage ratios.
The Predy team is currently working on UI updates to estimate the liquidation prices more accurately, however exact prices cannot be known due to the calculation being affected by changes in market conditions.
Trade confirmation:
Total Amount: The total amount of USDC to be deposited for this position.
Approve USDC: Click this button to approve the protocol to spend the USDC. Note that this is not required for collateral withdrawals.
Close Now: Click this button (after approval if required) to create the trade transaction. Note that this will change to Withdraw Now if the only action is withdrawing collateral.
Vault Summary:
Position Value: The pVault value, which is a combination of the USDC collateral and the position P/L.
Liquidation Price: The spot price(s) that will result in liquidation of the pVault.
Warning: The liquidation price displayed uses the index price of the asset, however the actual liquidation price can be different by a large amount at very high leverage because the liquidation conditions consider the trading price (including spread). Users must be very careful to manage the portfolio margin at high leverage ratios.
The Predy team is currently working on UI updates to estimate the liquidation prices more accurately, however exact prices cannot be known due to the calculation being affected by changes in market conditions.Min. Collateral: The minimum collateral required for the pVault.
Min Collateral: The minimum collateral required for the pVault.
USDC Amount: The amount of USDC collateral currently in the pVault.
Position Details:
Product: Name of the product.
Amount: Current position (long/short) and amount of the product.
Ave. Entry Price: Average entry price of the position.
Tradable Price: Current market price of the product.
Acc. Fund Paym.: The funding payments made/received on the position.
PNL: Current profit or loss of the position.
Delta: Delta value of the position, see The Greeks for more details.
Gamma: Gamma value of the position, see The Greeks for more details.
Vega: Vega value of the position, see The Greeks for more details.
Theta: Theta value of the position, see The Greeks for more details.