The (ETH)² Perpetual is a power perpetual, described by the Paradigm team in their 2021 paper. The delta of the (ETH)² Perpetual is constant, meaning that as the underlying price increases, the contract increases at a faster rate, and as the underlying price decreases, the contract decreases at a slower rate. The downside of the (ETH)² Perpetual is the higher funding rate compared to the standard ETH Perpetual.
How to Use the Strategy
The (ETH)² Perpetual can be longed anytime you're bullish on the ETH price. The funding rate needs to be taken into consideration with the positioning.
The (ETH)² Perpetual can be shorted anytime you're bearish on the ETH price. The funding rate needs to be taken into consideration with the positioning.
Technical Details
Symbol=ETH2−PERP−USDCUnderlyingAsset=ETHIndexprice=S2∗10,0001,(S=ETHprice from Chainlink)Δ Delta=δSδV≈δSδS2∗10,0001=2S∗10,0001Γ Gamma=δS2δ2V≈δS2δ2S2∗10,0001=2∗10,0001=Constantwhere, V=Indexprice , Tradeprice should be used by strict definitionTradeprice=Indexprice∗(1+FundingRate+TradingFeeRate)TradingFeeRate=0.1%VarienceETH=(VolatilityETH)2=σt2=λ∗σt−12+(1−λ)ut−12ut=lnSt−1St≈1−St−1Stλ=0.94(The RiskMetrics database produced by JP Morgan)FundingRate=σt2∗(1+β∗f(Tradeamount,AMMliquidityStatus))β=5.5 (Deployed param=3.5)β=3.0 on Version 2.0.2 f(Tradeamount,AMMliquidityStatus)=ΔLΔm∫LL+ΔL∫mm+Δm(yx)3dxdy=L∗L∗(L+ΔL)2m3+23m2Δm+mΔm2+4Δm3∗(L+2ΔL)≈(Lm)3=(UtilizationRateAMM)3m=LiquidityLocked before The TradeΔm=LiquidityLocked for The TradeL=Liquiditytotal before The TradeΔL=Liquiditychanged for The Trade(yx)3 => k∗(yx)+(1−k)∗(yx)3where,k=0.3, 0<k<1 on Version 2.0.2